X-Ray Center
X-ray Center

Various diseases and illnesses may not be visible to us through the naked eye. Some diseases can be silent threats that hide inside our bodies without showing any symptoms. If we experience pain or discomfort in our bodies, X-ray is one of the methods that can help us detect those conditions. Therefore, we should know the basic information related to X-ray examination, as well as the practices to ensure convenience and safety when using the service.


What is an X-ray?


It is a method of diagnosing diseases or abnormalities in the body using X-ray radiation. The images obtained from this type of radiation will be black and white images with different shades of intensity, depending on the absorption of the radiation. This means that bones will appear white, while fat and other tissues will absorb less radiation, making them appear as shades of gray. Air will absorb the least radiation, resulting in a black appearance when X-raying the lungs. Afterwards, the doctor will diagnose the results at a later time.


Why do we need an X-ray?


This method is one of the steps in diagnosing abnormalities within the body by doctors, which can check various symptoms of patients, such as


  • Detecting foreign objects: If patients have foreign objects in their bodies or have swallowed foreign objects.


  • Checking for bone abnormalities, such as bone fractures or bone cancer.


  • Detecting breast cancer by examining the abnormality of breast tissue.


  • Detecting blood vessel blockages by injecting a substance mixed with iodine to create luminescence in the blood vessels system, making it possible to observe any blockages.


  • Checking lung health, such as pneumonia or tuberculosis.


  • X-ray is a useful tool in medical diagnostics, but it should only be performed under a doctor's recommendation. It is important to understand the risks and benefits of X-ray exams and follow the proper guidelines to ensure the best results and reduce any potential risks.


Types of X-ray


X-rays are classified into three main types for different purposes


  • Bones: to detect abnormalities in bones in various parts of the body, such as teeth, arms, and legs.


  • Chest: to examine the lungs and heart, as well as mammography to detect breast cancer.


  • Abdomen: to detect abnormalities in the digestive system and to find foreign objects in the body.


Preparation before X-ray


Normally, you can eat as usual unless the person undergoing the examination needs to use chemicals for the test. It is recommended to avoid eating food and taking medicine, and not to wear jewelry or metal objects. In addition, if the person is pregnant, the doctor should be informed immediately to postpone the examination.


X-ray Procedure


The person undergoing the examination may need to change clothes as required by the hospital. When entering the X-ray room, the body position should be adjusted according to the instructions of the specialist doctor. The person undergoing the examination must stay still as much as possible to obtain the clearest image. Some may need to use chemicals during the examination. After the X-ray machine finishes, the doctor will diagnose the results.


After X-ray


The person undergoing the examination can return home or wait for the results depending on the specialist doctor. For those who need to use chemicals during the examination, they do not have to worry about the impact as the amount of radiation used is very small. However, there may be some side effects, such as blurred vision, pale stool, or skin rash. If any abnormalities are found, the doctor will inform and provide appropriate treatments.


Medical Technology


  • CT Scan is a technology developed to diagnose diseases and abnormalities within the body by projecting radiation to the area being examined to view internal organs and diagnose diseases or use to monitor ongoing diseases. The CT Scan machine provides more detailed images than a regular X-ray machine. Petcharavej Hospital has installed a high-speed 128-slice CT Scan machine that can scan up to 128 images per rotation in less than 0.5 seconds, allowing for the diagnosis of diseases in the brain, abdomen, various bones, and blood vessels.

  • Mammogram is a machine used to detect breast cancer that many people may know as a breast X-ray. The resulting image shows the abnormality of the breast. This method of examination is precise and can allow doctors to see abnormalities beyond physical examination. Even if there is no breast cancer, a mammogram can be used for surveillance. This method is more accurate than ultrasound because ultrasound cannot detect calcifications in the breast.


X-ray is one of the good options for detecting internal abnormalities within the body. If we can detect a serious disease before the symptoms become severe, we can receive advice from doctors on the next steps of treatment.




Contact for further information


Opening days: Open everyday


Opening hours: 24 hours


Building/Floor: A/2


Contact number: 1390 ext. 130, 131


Line Official :   @petcharavej  click 




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